Saturday, December 31, 2011

Neutraface: Ode to a typeface with a Lady Gaga tune

Finally. Someone has expressed their obsession for Neutraface, like I do. Funniest thing I've seen a long time, Jack and Mason.

Here is a taste of their lyrics:
I won't tell you that you're modern
post- or nouveau
cause I'm hype'n with my type'n
I'm not freehandin', letterpressin', texting or skywriting
like a finger on a keyboard
break a nail before I cross you
see my references, reference this
check this font cause it's sans serif

Check out the video

Thursday, December 29, 2011

The power of love, expressed with 350,000 Post-It Notes

I absolutely adore this idea and art installation. Wish I could see it in person. If you are in Sao Paulo, check out the Galeria Melissa!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Take this lollipop

This is a very seamless way of integrating user content into a video and make it customized. I've been trying to work in this video tactic into an ad since I've gotten into Interactive design. But this is by far, the best execution.

Also, is a scary reminder not to share so much online.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Everything I do is Wrong. Got Milk.

Cheeky way to get men to buy milk. According to this ad campaign, Women are not the only ones affected by PMS. but is as Wish I thought of it first.

The website is chock full of tools for PMS management, like the Video Apology Enhancer. If only it included automatic delivery of truckload of godiva chocolates and flowers.

Manage your PMS, today.

Monday, January 3, 2011


An amazingly gorgeous film, turning advertising into an art piece. 2010 Academy Award winner. WOW. by Logorama.