Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Fotoshop by Adobe - Jesse Rosten

Fotoshop by Adobé from Jesse Rosten on Vimeo.

Brilliant work by Jesse Rosten with his commercial, Fotoshop by Adobe. The commercial is a parody of all beauty ads - infomercials, before/afters,  Maybelline ads, with a swipe of "Best of" Photoshop Disasters.  It's such a biting dig at what our standards of beauty are as a society and this video cleverly pulls off the facade to reveal that it's "pro-pixel intesifying fauxtanical hydro-jargon microbead extract...featuring nutritive volumizing technology"

I literally laughed out loud at the line, "My skin feels like plastic!" 

Well played, Jesse. Well played.

1 comment:

Dean said...

THAT is awesome Bo! I laughed out loud as well at that line...made me think of running into a Joan Rivers sighting on the main strip in Vegas a few years ago. You could have bounced her off the pavement and she would have rebounded like a super ball.

Being in my hinter years I may need some Ado-be just so I'm not recognizable as the old designa guy...haha