21 things you might not know about Product Design... from Etienne Garbugli @egarbugli has some great gems that are often overlooked in Product design and Product planning. The presentation transcript is below:
- 1. 21 things you might not know about Product Design... ...and if you do, please pretend like you don't.Etienne GarbugliWeb & User Experience Strategist
- 2. Me meme.
- 3. Montreal, Canada raisedComms / Marketing backgroundFirst (Geocities) Website in 1998Founded 3 businesses (1 startup)RecognizedUsability / UX / IXD / IA expert with 7+ years of experience
- 4. 1.Ideas are nothing withoutproper execution
- 5. }Ideax Execution________ResultBoo.com
- 6. 2. Most people only really use 5 to 7 services
- 7. }Whywould I addyouhere?
- 8. 3. You can’t easily change user behavior
- 10. 4. Understand your meaning
- 11. Company name is for market segmentwho are dissatisfied with problem being solved. Our product name or service offering provides companies with benefits. Unlike our competitors, we have proprietary advantage.}What are yousolving? How do you know?
- 12. 5. Challenge the Status Quo
- 13. Reverse engineer designs. Find patterns and improvementopportunities.}
- 14. 6. You may not need a signup
- 15. Tripit.com
- 16. 7. Perceived value is key
- 17. Moof.com}It’snever about the tool; youneed to focus on value. Askyourself, doesthis help anyonereachtheir goal?
- 18. 8. You don’t have to build everything
- 19. Iteration1SchedulingBoard, Progress Reports, Job Status Reports, Profitability Reports, Customer Tracking, Call-back Scheduling, Dashboard Customization, SharedAppointments, PurchaseOrderContract, Workflow Management, SchedulingBoard, Reminders, Invoicing, Billing, Search, Signup, Login}Build theminimum needed to launch. Builditverywell.Iteration 2User Ratings, Social Media, PrintViewEh…Iteration3
- 20. 9. Others have done it before
- 21. }You don’tneed to re-do whatalreadyexists.
- 22. 10. The longer it takes to develop, the less likely it is to launch
- 23. W1 W5 W10 W15 W20 W25 W30 W35 W40Great ideaTeam Setup ThinkingDebatingArguingPlanningExecutingOut of Money…}Buildmomentum, not projectplans.
- 24. 11. Typing is a barrier to entry
- 25. }Newslettersignup. Pleasekill me…
- 26. 12. Content actually matters
- 27. }Great content is simple, scannable and purposeful.
- 28. 13. Visual flows convert
- 29. }What do younotice first? Second? Third?
- 30. Alignment+ Color+ Contrast+ Shape+ Size+ Whitespace___________ Visual Weight}
- 31. 14. The blank state should not be blank
- 32. Whatnow?! Blankscreens are communicationopportunities.}Dokdok.net
- 33. 15.People love overviews
- 34. }Always look for ways to provide an overview. Most of your favorite Websites do it!
- 35. 16.(Great) UX can create word of mouth
- 36. }« Wow »moments helpedmakeMintfamous.Mint.com
- 37. 17.Copying can be dangerous
- 38. Amazon.comTarget.com}Same design, different reality.
- 39. 18.Good designs feel natural
- 40. Design is a reductiveprocess. You need the right options at the right time and the right position.}ABtests.com
- 41. 19.You need metrics to survive
- 42. }Trackeverystep of the funnel. Understandthe issues.
- 43. 20.Features are best introduced one at a time
- 44. Batch Import and Export of catalogue Product comparisons Product Reviews Layered / Faceted Navigation for filtering of products in Search Results Shopping Cart ReportProduct Image Zoom-in DownloadableProductsCapabilityAbandonedShipping to multiple addresses in one orderOrderTrackingfromAccount A/B and MultivariateTesting Google Base IntegrationMeta-information for products and categories Admin Dashboard for Report Overview}Introduce one feature at a time to be able to identify issues and roll back if necessary.
- 45. 21.You can’t know everything
- 46. POST analysisHeuristic evaluations Lean startup methodology5 second test Scrum A/B testing SWOT analysisAarrr metrics 4Q surveys Cost-benefit analysis Conversion funnel Analysis Price Point Analysis Personas}What do you know? What do you really need to know?
- 47. +1 Bonus
- 48. “Progress is not the number of features, it's user behavior changes.”- Dave McClure}Spend 80% of your time optimizing features, 20% on creating new ones.
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